God's Calling

"I am not a saver or redeemer, but a proclaimer and a witness."

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What a Glorious Day it Will Be

Days can easily turn into months, as I have been amazed that summer is done and fall is in full swing. There has been plenty of upsetting stories in the news as of late, more than I truly desire to read. I have found myself becoming more heavily invested in the hurts and sorrows of others to the point that I can feel a little overwhelmed by the shear immensity to the heart ache in the world. Those that are broken, hurt, lost are around every corner, and at times, I feel myself hoping for a good story to come my way.

This week I have been reminded of more suffering and pain, hearing of someone far to young drastically passing away, leaving behind a husband and 3 kids and not to mention those suffering from many different aliments, physical, emotional, and spiritual, within the body of the church and those outside of the church, for now. I received an email this week talking about the hatred taking place in the middle east and the children that are being executed for their belief in Jesus Christ and I wonder why. I pray that God will hear his people and rescue them all, from the thief who only comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

Then today I had the opportunity to go visit my sister in Christ, Esther. Esther has been in a nursing home for the last several years. She can't walk and can only sparingly us her arms and hands. She needs help to get into bed or do anything else for that matter, as her body has failed her long ago. But her mind is as sharp as ever and today she had to ask for updates on those she has been praying for and asked me to pray for her as she struggles with patience for those who help her. We share stories with each other, like how 2 days before her wedding their pastor backed out for a better opportunity to speak at a large event. Before we end our meeting I pick up her old hymnal and as it is her 92nd birthday, I let her pick out the song. She picks "When we all get to Heaven" and I do my best not to mess it up, although I know I was not in the right rhythm for the song. I apologize for the sad attempt and with grace in her voice and a tear in her eye (not sure if it was the singing or the blessed words) she looks at me and says, "It doesn't matter because the words are still the same." 

Esther is both wise and gracious. With all the hurting, sorrow, and just plan evil in the world right now, with all the struggles that we go through as we travel this life, one thing remains the same and that is the Word of God. The Word of God never changes, God never changes and no matter how dark the day is or how bad the singing is, whether we are 22 or 92, God's love, grace, and mercy is always with us and in that we have our hope. What a glorious day it will be when we all see Jesus face to face.